THEY SAY all good things must come to an end. I say: all good things COULD come to an end.

On Thursday, I ended my one-mile-a-day run streak. It was day 525. I went to the beach and ran almost the same route that I did on day ONE. I cruised down to the Blockade Runner and back. I walked out on the beach and watched the waves and the dark clouds in the distance. I wrote 525 in the sand and watched a wave wash it away. I cried.

In the past few weeks, I’ve found out that I need ACL repair surgery on my knee. Last week, when I went to physical therapy, my therapist said: if the surgeon saw you in pre-op today, he likely wouldn’t do the surgery. There is still a little swelling and fluid build up. The risk of delaying surgery, and the damage I could be doing to my meniscus in the meantime, prompted me to end the streak.

I liken it to breaking up with a good boyfriend - but someone who is NOT the one.

I’ve never been good at that. I was a pro at draaaaaggging out a break-up. Did I want to get back together with my run streak the very next day? Yes. In fact, on day 526 I got my surgery date - which is not until May! One of my goals with the run streak was to at least get to day 555 (which would be April 9). I instantly thought: Maybe I could keep this going! Maybe this is a sign not to quit! When I got off the phone with the scheduler, I looked at my sister and said: this makes me want to go run a mile. She said NO. And, like any good sister would, she suggested retail therapy instead.

I am still very sad about it. I loved my run streak. I miss it. I wanted to get to 555 and especially 1,000. But, I may be even more proud that I stuck to my decision to stop. I know that it is what’s best for my ultimate goals. And eventually, I know I’ll find a new streak.

