Do you have it? It's what you get after so many hours on the bike or run. Or a week of too much training. Many triathletes know overreaching or overtraining. But TRAIN BRAIN is the pre-cursor to all of that. It's the dumbness that happens when your legs move for four hours and 15 minutes (more or less) in the hot summer sun in the south.
I had it last night. I did 72 miles yesterday on the bike plus two on the run. I did get plenty of recovery food, but I didn't get an afternoon nap. I hung out with Anna, Colin, Parker, Dad and Joyce, came home, did laundry, fixed dinner and emptied water bottles. By 8:00PM I was cooked.
Here are some signs I have train brain:
- I left the vanilla ice cream on the counter overnight. Vanilla soup is not good.
- I left my keys (house/car/bike) stuck in the bike rack on the back of my truck.
- I've dropped one full glass of wine (I'm still finding purple chards of glass in my kitchen), spilled one full cup of water on my nightstand and a knocked over a container of sun-dried tomatoes in my fridge in a matter of 48 hours.
I'm sure more symptoms will surface. Ironman is not smart.