I am missing triathlon. Specifically, I miss racing. I realized just how much the other day when I was walking on the beach to meet a friend. I saw a couple up ahead and thought: I think I can pass them before I get to Geri. I picked up the pace and the competitive spark turned into a flame. I miss the game.
Here’s the latest:
Two of my three iron-distance races have been cancelled for the year. Ironman Lake Placid was set for July and Ironman Mt. Tremblant was set for August. I have deferred both of those to 2021.
Ironman Maryland is still on the calendar for September 19.
I am training as if IMMD is going to happen - but my heart’s not in it. I go into each weekend of long workouts dreading the time spent away from my athletes and my new beach house. I don’t push as hard on my weekday training and I am a little lazy about the process. You would think that my aforementioned love of racing and competition would spark motivation and anticipation - but it has left my training a little flat.
I know this will turn around. There is a slow burn within me to get better at each race and to complete the dream to race Kona. I know that eventually I’ll get back on track. Until then, I’ll maintain the discipline and desire to keep moving forward.
Meet-Up with Geri
July 4 Weekend Ride - 40 miles