About this time last year, I announced my next big long-term goal: racing 100 triathlons. That announcement included all the SMART ways to set a goal: Specfic + Measurable + Attainable + Relevant + Time-Bound.

Specific: 100 Triathlons (any distance or format).

Measurable: 100 is pretty measurable.

Attainable: I’ve done 82 - and I haven’t retired yet!

Relevant: triathlons fit with a larger objective

Time-Bound: deadline set for December 2025.

Of course, by the middle of last year, I realized I wasn’t racing as much as I thought I would be. I only raced eight of the planned 14 triathlons. Here is what I planned versus what I raced last year (completed races in bold):

Azalea Sprint - March 10

Pinehurst International - April 13

Lake Norman Sprint - April 27

White Lake Half - May 4

White Lake Sprint - May 5

Lake Lure or MI Titaniuman - August 10/11

Charleston She Tris - August 18

White Lake International - September 7

White Lake Sprint - September 8

USAT Nationals - September 14 - 15

Wrightsville Beach World Championships - September 21

Sandling Beach - October 5

Edisto Half - October 26

So, I decided to move the deadline. The great thing about goals is that they’re YOUR goals. You can do what you want with them. You can do them or not! You can change them - or not. My revised goal is to do 100 triathlons by September 2026. I want the Wrightsville Beach Sprint in September 2026 to be number 100. I want 100 friends and family to race, relay or volunteer for it. And, I want 100 new triathletes to join me!

With that in mind, I’m planning my race calendar for 2025. Here is what I intend to race:

Azalea Sprint - March 9

Pinehurst International - April 12

Tri Peachtree City - April 26

White Lake Sprint or Int’l - May 4

Triangle Sprint - May 31

Ironman Ottowa - August 3

White Lake International - September 6

White Lake Double Sprint - September 7

Wrightsville Beach World Championships - September 27

Sandling Beach - October 4

Edisto Half - November 1

Now, last February, I also announced that I wanted to race 20 full iron distance races by 2026. Well, that ain’t happening either. I like this one-per-year option now that I’m not chasing a Kona slot. I still want to get to 20 x 140.6 - but, I am pushing the deadline out to 2030. Granted, the sooner I do it the better. I’m not getting any younger (or faster)! But, I want to choose races that are in amazing places and do them with friends and training buddies. So, we’ll see what and where that leads me in the next few years. I’ll keep you in the loop.


