One of the BEST things I’ve done is read the book REBOUND by Carrie Cheadle and Cindy Kuzma. If you are injured, run and get it right now. Oh, wait. If you’re injured you might not be able to run. [Order it HERE.] I’ve actually been reading the book, listening to the book and have subscribed to the podcast. I’ve joined the Facebook group and even interacted with other athletes on the page. I’ve printed out the worksheets and actually used them. I’ve downloaded a set of guided meditations they include and actually used them!
In this phase of NOT training my body, the best thing I can do is train my mind. As they say in the book: recovery is now my sport and mental recovery is just as important as the healing that’s going on in my body. This injury has had a big impact on my heart and mind.
I’ve already learned some big lessons working through the book — big lessons that will serve me in life - maybe more than will serve me in triathlon. But, because life is full-circle, I know that the drills and skills are not a one-and-done effort. So, maybe I’ll work through a few of my favorites here.
Until then, join me in the high school basketball chant: R-E, R-E-B, R-E-B-O-U-N-D, REBOUND! GET IT! GET IT! REBOUND!