I look at my watch when I come up out of the Natural Energy Lab. I have six miles to go. The place that can give so many athletes so much trouble - the place that can suck the energy right out of you - had given me a certain calm and a calm certainty. I was gonna be close, but I could make it.
It was 9:30 and I had an hour and 40 minutes to finish a 10k. My self-talk was a little more resolved: I did not come here not to finish. I came here for a finishing time - not just to see the finish chute. This race of all races will not be my first DNF. I can’t come back here and try again. THIS. IS. IT.
It was like my whole race life passed before my eyes. I counted them up and tried to bring up my favorite memory from each. Something amazing had happened at all 16 races and I tried to remember one good strong moment from each.
I also had time to remember my one word for each year I’ve been choosing a word for the year (instead of a new year resolution). Resolve, reflect, maturity, honor, story, fuel, posture, connect, ruah, fix, cultivate, full-circle, congruent, grit, waves, signature, capacity.
I said HOLOMUA to women who were passing me - headed out to the energy lab - or to those I was passing on the Queen K. I sang my made-up song: I know what it means to be and Ironman (to the tune of I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For). I made up a new song (to the tune of Izabella): Kamehameha. See the rays of the setting sun….here they come. Well, I gotta get back out there and fight now, baby. I can’t quit this devil of a run. Gotta run, Baby! This big dream is keeping me strong. I’ll be holding that medal before too long.
Mile 23 was the magic mile. It was the last long downhill before a long uphill to Palani. It was 10:20PM and with a 5k to go at 12:00/mile pace, I could make it by 11:10. If I pushed, I could make it by 11:00PM. I had gone from doing 15 minute miles at the start to 12:20/12:26/12:17/12:49 for these last few miles. By this time, I had caught site of two women running together and I made it a game to try to catch them. They were run:walking, too and I’d try to run 30 seconds longer than they did each time. Turns out, they had an amazing crew that stood at the top of Palani and cheered so loudly I could hear them a mile before the turn. Last long hill and it’s all downhill from here! They shouted. The hot corner is right around the corner! I was so close to them - but I can’t remember if I ever caught them.
I take the right turn onto Palai and I can now hear Maria, Tonya and Ace at the bottom the hill before the left turn. They are screaming my name, the announcer is calling and pointing at me as I make the turn, music is pumping and I cruise through and yell something like ohmygaaaaaaahhhhh. I have a mile to go!!!!!
Get ready!!!!