Happy Thanksgiving! It was a great weekend of food and family and fun. Anna, Colin and Parker arrived on Wednesday and we spent the afternoon playing BALL and chasing Parker around the house. Dad and Joyce joined us for dinner and Wii that night.

On Thursday, we went to the club for lunch. There was enough food for an army. Our favorites: the oyster dressing, roast beef, turkey and mashed taters.

The dessert bar was incredible. Everything from chocolate mousse cake to apple caramel cheesecake; from peppermint ice cream to pecan pie. The highest rated: chocolate bread pudding.

Afterwards, we sat on the front porch and tried to relax. Here are Johnny Cash, Joyce and Anna watching as Parker sleeps in the car.

On Friday, Anna, Colin, Parker and I went to the Aquarium. It was amazing. We were able to see alligators, pet horseshoe crabs and listen to the divers laugh underwater. Parker went to each exhibit and sat for pictures.

Looks like Anna and the gator are smiling for the camera:

This is what Anna and Parker are going to use for their Christmas cards this year!

Here we are squinting by the school of air fish outside the aquarium.

Here is the only nap Parker got all weekend:

This is out of order, but this is Parker playing buh-BALL with Colin on Wednesday afternoon:
