When I start a new training cycle I inevitably start thinking about goals. Time goals. Mental goals. Growth goals. Time goals come first because they shape how I practice mentally and how I can improve.  Time goals keep me intentional about my paces or effort in practice.


My time goals for Florida are:

SWIM: 1:10 (that's about 1:35/100 yards)

TRANS1: 5:00

BIKE: UNDER 6:00 - (that's 19mph avg.)

TRANS2: 3:30

RUN: SUB 4:30 (that's a 9:45/mile pace)

TOTAL: SUB 11:30

There. I said it. These are big goals for me. That's taking nearly a half-hour off my B2B time from last year. I'm a little scared of these goals. It's hard to improve on a near-perfect race. I'm ready for the challenge.


